Luz Helena Marín Guzmán was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1980. She grew up in the capital of a fragmented and anti-modern nation, diverse and multicultural, creative and violent, hostile and conflictive.
Throughout her life, Luz has always been fascinated by images and how stories can be told with them. Her interest was cultivated from her childhood where she participated in numerous artistic projects and where she represented school life and her dissatisfaction with the authority in pamphlets that stuck on the walls and a sketchbook that was later discovered by one of her teachers.
After finishing school, Luz Helena decided to study Art Restoration and Conservation in order to relate to art from a more technical and not so conceptual perspective.
Upon completing her career, Luz Helena specializes in Cultural Studies that allowed her to make a dialogue between the artistic and the political, including herself as the first person in her work without being the main theme but showing that she can not achieve her work beyond her own perception.
Her work so far is divided into oil painting and glass work ranging from stained glass to engraving.
The subjects are simply expressions of various events in her private life that are directly or indirectly made common to human beings but taking into account her condition as a woman, Latin American and eternal foreign.
Some people who have known the artistic journey of Luz Helena think that her style is closer to Magic Realism since it shows something common and everyday as unreal or strange. Its purpose is not to arouse emotions, but, rather, to express them, and it is above all things, an attitude towards reality.
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First prize in the Arti Kunstprise. Wolfsburg Kunstverein. Wolfsburg. DE.
First prize in the Frauenpreis Bruni. "Wo stehen wir Frauen jetzt – trotzdem Kunst“. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE).
Premio Internazionale Critica. 1a Colletiva D'Arte. "I colori degli artisti a Mezzojuso per un mondo migliore". Mezzojuso. IT
Third prize in the Arti Kunstprise. Wolfsburg Kunstverein. Wolfsburg. DE.
2014- 2015. Master's Degree in Management-promotion-technological innovations in the management of cultural heritage. University of Rome Tre. Department of Business Studies.
2011- 2013. Expert in the artistic work of the glass in "Vetroricerca Glas & Modern". It is a two-year project, funded by the European Social Fund in which many artistic disciplines are taught. artisans, students and teachers come from Italy but also from around the world.
2010. Specialist in Cultural Studies. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Faculty of Social Sciences.
1999- 2004. Restorer and Conservator of cultural wealths. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Faculty of Restoration of Goods.
1997. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Chapinero.
1992. Instituto Alberto Merani para el desarrollo de la inteligencia superior. (1992).
2018. Curso teórico-práctico de conservación y restauración de vidrieras históricas. Escuela de Patrimonio Histórico de Nájera. Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España IPCE. Subdirección general del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España. Dirección General de Bellas Artes. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Nájera. España
2010. Cátedra de Historia Ernesto Restrepo Tirado. The Sacred in the museum: Museo Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá. Colombia.
2007. Course Fusing basis. ABC of Vitral S.A. Bogotá. Colombia.
2006. Stained glass: Tiffany and construction of stained heatde glass decoration. Heated Glass decoration: grisaille, Glazes, Paints. School d 'art Pandora Andrea Sola. Sorano (GR). Italy.
2006. Working in the lumen of Murano glass. Modeling of the glass. Lamp-blowing glass. Processing of filled shapes and beads Murano glass. School d 'art Pandora Andrea Sola. Sorano (GR). Italy.
2006. Stained glass: Tiffany and construction of stained heated glass decoration. Heated glass decoration: grisaille, Glazes, Paints. School d 'art Pandora Andrea Sola. Sorano (GR). Italy.
2005. Advanced Course of Classical Glass window. ABC del Vitral S.A. Bogotá. Colombia.
2005. Course of Tiffany Technique. ABC of Vitral S.A. Bogotá. Colombia.
2002. IX International Chair of Art Luís Ángel Arango: Russian Icons. From Mysticism to Vanguard. Banco de la República. Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. Bogotá. Colombia.
2001. Seminare - Workshop: Museum and communities in the conservation and responsible use of the assets. Museo Nacional de Colombia y el programa Red Nacional de Museos. Pereira. Colombia.
Jahresausstellung 2021. BBK Braunschweig 2021.Städtische Galerie. Braunschweig (DE) (12 November. 12 December)
Kunstverein Wolfsburg. Kunstpreise Arti 2020. Wolfsburg (DE) (19 june. 9 August)
Gemeinschaftausstellung Treppengalerie im Herrenhaus Sickte. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE) (31 january. 20 march)
Haus der Kulturen Braunschweig. e. v. . Braunschweig (DE) (9 january. currently)
Basar der Künste. Kufa-GALERIE. Kufa-HAUS. Braunschweig. (DE) (29 november. 8 december)
Zum Internationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen. Haus der Kulturen Braunschweig. e. v. . Braunschweig (DE) (22 november. 4 december)
De dónde yo vengo. Personal Exhibition. creARTE e.V. Wolfsburg (DE) (18 october. 23 november)
Jahresausstellung. Kunstsalon. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE) (26 july. 5 september)
Bruni-Verleihung. Foyer Centro. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE) (12 may. 10 june)
Winterausstellung. creARTE e.V. Wolfsburg (DE) (7 December 2018. 26 January 2019)
Vorsfelder Kunstpfad 2018. Wolfsburg (DE)(15,16 17 june)
Kultfenster. “Women’s Art”. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE) (6 june. 16 august)
Kollectiv Ausstellung. creARTE e.V. Wolfsburg (DE) (2 june. 23 june)
1° Collettiva D’Arte. I colori degli artisti a Mezzojuso per un mondo migliore. Palermo (IT) (2 june. 30 june)
Kunstverein Wolfsburg. Kunstpreise Arti 2018. Wolfsburg (DE) (24 may. 12 August)
"Corridoio di Arte" Foyer Postapotheke. Winterkunstzeit. Alternativer Kunstverein Braunschweig n. V. Braunschweig (DE)
Galleria La Pigna. Palazzo Vicariato Maffei Marescotti. Mostra Internazionale "Artisti del Vecchio e Nuovo Mondo". Roma (IT)
Museion. Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten. Together with the students of the Vetroricerca Glas and Modern. Bolzano (IT).
Mart. Progetto Cibo. La forma del gusto. Together with the students of Vetroricerca Glas & Modern. Atelier Luesma Vega, University of Design and Arts from Bolzano and theScuola Provinciale Alberghiera Cesare Ritz. Rovereto (IT)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. II Colloquium of Cultural Studies. Aesthetics and Crowd. Casa Tercer Piso. Bogotá (COL)
Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced. First version of the plastic arts room “COORDENADAS”. Bogotá (COL)
Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Obra religiosa. Bogotá. (COL)
Instituto Alberto Merani. Talentos 1. Bogotá (COL)
Instituto Alberto Merani. Talentos. 2. Bogotá (COL)